Mao Pises Biography

A true life story of

an ordinary man

     Biography of

A corner of true events happened after Khmer Rouge Regime

Written by July 2015

Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Table of Contents


Early life

[1]On January 10, 1979, after the Vietnamese army and the KUFNS invaded Cambodia, the new People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established with Heng Samrin as head of state. Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge forces retreated rapidly to the Thai border. The Khmer Rouge and the PRK began a costly struggle that played into the hands of the larger powers China, the United States and the Soviet Union. A civil war was imposed on impoverished Cambodia that displaced 600,000 Cambodians to refugee camps along the border between Thailand and Cambodia.[143] The new regime murdered tens of thousands of people.[144][145]

Mao Pises was borns on Thursday, 13 August 1981 in Kandal province of Cambodia but it was put on 02 March 1981 for his official date of birth, and was the sixth child of 7 children (actually 8 children but one of them who supposed to be his 2nd elder sister but she died at very young age) to a peasant family. His father, Mao Chheang Kim was a farmer in Prek Po village, Tekvil Commune, Sa’ang district in Kandal province. His mother is Khlok Lenh Iv. His father and his mother was cousin to each other. His mother was from the same commune and district but just different village called Wat Kandal village. Mao Pises has 4 brothers and 2 sisters. So there are 7 siblings including him. Mao Pises grew up and studied in Saang district, Kandal province until 1998 after he finished his high school education and have to go for higher education. So, Mao Pises had spent 17 years in his homeland and lived with his family. His father died in 2005 by illness. He love his mother more than his father and also used to hate his father too because his father is a drunken man and rarely helped his mother in doing farming activities. Growing in a normal peasant family along Basac River, it's truly a year round busy with cropping and farming various vegetables which are only the way to generate income for the whole family. Mao Pises did involve all these farming activities since very young ages with his mother and all his brothers and sisters. One of activities that Mao Pises usually could do is to find grass for the ox and cows. During early 1980’s, his father has to ride a bicycle transport tobacco to exchange rice in Bati district of Takeo province along national road no.2 and his family grow a lot of tobacco and Pises did helped in growing it and harvesting it with his parent and his brothers/sisters.


Primary School

Mao Pises started school at age of 6 with his elder sister, Mao Sok Pum at the same class and grade 1 without starting kindergarten class in a Wat Mangkolavorn primary school until grade 5. So he started school in 1987. During primary school, Mao Pises and his sister always studied in the same classes and they are very good students where his sister is always on the top of the classes and Mao Pises, himself also number 2. Mao Pises passed his national primary school exam in 1992 and then moved to study at Kbal Koh Secondary high school in the same year. Mao Pises passed his national secondary school exam in 1995 and moved to study at Sa’ang high school within the same year in 1995. He went to school with his sister who and by walking back and forth every day. At this young age, Pises wasn’t aware of any of social and political issues at all.

[2]Peace efforts began in Paris in 1989 under the State of Cambodia, culminating two years later in October 1991 in a comprehensive peace settlement. The United Nations was given a mandate to enforce a ceasefire, and deal with refugees and disarmament known as the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC).[146]

However, during times there are several historical events happened such as On October 23, 1991, the Paris Conference reconvened to sign a comprehensive settlement giving the UN full authority to supervise a cease-fire, repatriate the displaced Khmer along the border with Thailand, disarm and demobilize the factional armies, and prepare the country for free and fair elections. Prince Sihanouk, President of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), and other members of the SNC returned to Phnom Penh in November 1991, to begin the resettlement process in Cambodia. The UN Advance Mission for Cambodia (UNAMIC) was deployed at the same time to maintain liaison among the factions and begin demining operations to expedite the repatriation of approximately 370,000 Cambodians from Thailand.

On March 16, 1992, the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) arrived in Cambodia to begin implementation of the UN Settlement Plan. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees began fullscale repatriation in March 1992. UNTAC grew into a 22,000-strong civilian and military peacekeeping force to conduct free and fair elections for a constituent assembly.

Over 4 million Cambodians (about 90% of eligible voters) participated in the May 1993 elections, although the Khmer Rouge or Party of Democratic Kampuchea (PDK), whose forces were never actually disarmed or demobilized, barred some people from participating. Prince Ranariddh's royalist Funcinpec Party was the top vote recipient with 45.5% of the vote, followed by Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party and the Buddhist Liberal Democratic Party, respectively. Funcinpec then entered into a coalition with the other parties that had participated in the election. The parties represented in the 120-member assembly proceeded to draft and approve a new constitution, which was promulgated September 24, 1993. It established a multiparty liberal democracy in the framework of a constitutional monarchy, with the former Prince Sihanouk elevated to King. Prince Ranariddh and Hun Sen became First and Second Prime Ministers, respectively, in the Royal Cambodian Government (RGC). The constitution provides for a wide range of internationally recognized human rights.

For this election, Pises had heard of this election because their parents and his elder brothers had voting card and they voted and there are many black and white foreigners who drive 4*4 UN cars to his across his village and they speak English and that’s a reason for him to study English for a few months in Secondary school.

On October 4, 2004, the Cambodian National Assembly ratified an agreement with the United Nations on the establishment of a tribunal to try senior leaders responsible for the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge. Donor countries have pledged the US$43 million international share of the three-year tribunal budget, while the Cambodian government’s share of the budget is US$13.3 million. The tribunal started trials of senior Khmer Rouge leaders in 2008. Cambodia is also recovering from the land mines which were used heavily by the Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese; it will take approximately a decade to remove most of the land mines from Cambodia.

Secondary School

During the time at secondary school, Mao Pises studied with his sister for a year and he started getting better than his sister on many subjects. At his grade 7, Mao Pises was chosen by deputy school master to be a smart student for challenging with other schools in the province on Mathematics subject but he could not make his decision immediately by himself and he asked his deputy school master to wait for a day so that he would ask his mother for a decision. Unfortunately, a day after his deputy school master replied that he already nominated another student as he could not wait for his decision. So, Mao Pises could not join the smart student competition on that year. Mao Pises passed his national high school exam in 1998 with an honor of good scores. His sister, Mao Sok Pum dropped out school at grade 7 because the family didn't have enough money to support us both and she also didn't wanted to continue studying as well because she is a girl. He went to school by bicycle riding by his sister.

At secondary school, students have to study geometry in plan and in space, at beginning Mao Pises often asked himself how the elder schoolmates got smart with a subject of geometry especially geometry in space. He started asking his teacher for advice and his teacher told him that he has to practice a lot of exercises and remember all the formulas. He bought in that idea and Mao Pises started study very hard and become very smart in geometry in space and become to fall in love of geometry subject and got an appreciation from his teacher as well.

High School

During his 3 years study in high school, he was one of the smart students who gain good top rank for almost every subject including Mathematics, Physic, and Chemistry and Khmer literacy etc. Mao Pises met and knew Rong Chhun in 1997 since he studied at grade 11 in Saang High School when Rong Chhun was his teacher on Mathematics subject. Mao Pises was a very close student on this subject and always helped to collect money for him for his extra-hour teaching on Mathematics to students beside the regular teaching times/classes. Not only collecting money for teacher Rong Chhun, he also collected money for teacher Chheang, teacher of Chemistry and for Ms. Teacher Savath, the teacher of Physic during his study at Saang highs school. Hence, he has never forgotten this life experience during this period. Even at high school, Pises was not aware of political and social issues but there is an important historical political event happened and he did heard about it and because his eldest sister (Mao Sok Penh) returned home from working as maid at a resident in Phnom Penh on that day, is [3]In 1997, factional fighting between FUNCINPEC supporters of Prince Norodom Ranariddh and of Hun Sen broke out, resulting in a number of casualties. This event was generally treated by the press, as well as by some scholars, as a "bloody coup by strongman Hun Sen",[13] without much serious and neutral investigation into its causes and its development.[14] Among the very few who attempted to look at evidence from both sides at the time were Australian ambassador to Cambodia Tony Kevin,[15] and journalist Barry Wain, who wrote, "in circumstances that remain disputed, Mr. Hun Sen's military forces... defeated Prince Ranariddh's troops in Phnom Penh".[16] Hun Sen had alleged that Ranariddh had been planning a take-over with the help of Khmer Rouge fighters, supposedly smuggled into the capital (on the other hand, Hun Sen's army included a number of ex-Khmer rouge fighters).[17] After the royalist resistance was crushed in Phnom Penh, there was indeed some FUCINPEC-Khmer Rouge in the Northern provinces, where the fighting against Hun Sen offensive lasted until August 1997.[18]  Following the coup Prince Ranariddh went into exile to Paris. Some FUNCINPEC leaders were forced to flee the country, many were shot and Ung Huot was elected as the new First Prime Minister. FUNCINPEC leaders returned to Cambodia shortly before the 1998 National Assembly elections. In those elections, the CPP received 41% of the vote, FUNCINPEC 32%, and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) 13%. Many international observers judged the elections to have been seriously flawed, claiming political violence, intimidation, and lack of media access. The CPP and FUNCINPEC formed another coalition government, with CPP the senior partner.

He heard Pol Pot died in 1998 at his home in Anglong veng.

Unlike many other friends who are from wealthier conditions/families, when he went to school, he was given a little money from his mother who generated it from a local gambling collector at his home (Tong Loto). With this very little money he had, he rarely spend it for buying food or clothes or any other materials, he saved it for buying books, he could buy many books for his extra studies and research for instance math books, physic books, chemistry book and other books. So even he didn't have a lot of money but he could own many books which was not less than other of his schoolmates. During his high school study, he studied very hard and could eat a little as he didn't have money for buying food during the day time when he was at school. Just to mentioned that he always left home in the early morning cycling his old bicycle to his high school every day and he ride his bicycle back home in the later afternoon so he rarely ate lunch and it take about 1 hour riding from his home to his school. He went to school by bicycle alone without his sister anymore as his sister was dropped out school prior to secondary school exam.

The way that he became an outstanding at school because he has done a following:

For Khmer literacy subject – he read a lot of book, the novel books, the sample of exercises, so the tip to be a smart student on this subject is to read a lot of books as much as we can.

For Mathematic, physic, chemistry subjects – he has to remember all the formulas and practice, practice, practice…. a lot of exercises. He bought many books not just study by following what his teachers taught in the classroom but have to buy more and more books to practices the exercises.

For Biology – the same as above, must understand the formulas and remembers them all and practice the exercises as much as possible.

Unlike other subject, English subject Mao Pises didn’t drop off and he pursue it until he finish Book4 which it’s supposed to be advanced level but he was still very poor – he cannot convers at all because he didn’t practice it often and he just opened his English book at his English tutoring classroom only. He didn’t take it out for reading after English hour and because he had to concentrate on other subjects which are more important for him to take the national exam in grade 12.

Mao Pises passed a university entry exam in 1998 and started his university straight away within the same year at Maharishi Vedic University located in Kamchai Mear district of Prey Veng province, another province of Cambodia that is closed to Vietnam border. Mao Pises started teaching English to high school students in 2000 when he was in 2nd of his university study. He could earn a little money for supporting his expenses while he stayed and lived in the university campus for 4 years.

During his teenager life, Mao Pises had encountered a very hard time with a pressure of family as well as teenage-age love. During that period, his father was a happy-man-go-lucky who always drink and drunk almost every day and didn’t help his mother on every single activities of farming at all so all the family burden was under Mao Pises’s mother alone. When his father got drunk turned back to home, he ignited a domestic violence by destroying materials in the house. At the same time, Mao Pises fell in love in girl who is his classmate in grade 11 (class B). It was a secret and silent love of a poor teenager who dare not speak out. He was one of the outstanding students at this high school of many subjects such as Matt, Khmer, Chemistry, Physic, Biology, geography etc.

He came to live and study in Phnom Penh for preparation for the entrance exam to universities for a few months. Unluckily, he could pass non universities in Phnom Penh. Finally he could pass an exam to study in Maharishi Vedic University in Kamchaimear Prey Veng province. He met with his close friend named Hun Chanda at his second year at university in Kamchai Mear where both men were living at a shared bedroom at an accommodation in university campus and being a close friend until nowadays. He started learning Transcendental Meditation (TM) since his 1st year which is since 1998 and also studied Saing'skrit (Indian) as these two subjects were compulsory subjects for all students in MVU at that times and he progressed to study TM Sidhi in his 2nd year and he has been practicing this meditation from then until nowadays.

Higher Education/University

He graduated his bachelor degree of Human Resources management in July 2002. Then move to find a work placement in Phnom Penh capital city within the same year. He started his master education in 2004 at Pannasatra University of Cambodia in Phnom Penh.

When he entered into university, he went to live at the MVU campus in Kamchaimear district of Prey Veng province. He saw his elder schoolmates could speak English fluently, and then he asked himself how he can become like his elder mates. He also asked his elder schoolmates too and they told him that don’t shy and must practicing. Then he decided not to be shy anymore and start talking to his foreign teachers especially after classes. He got to know many foreign lecturers who come to teach at MVU and got a very good relationship with them where sometimes some of his friends called him a PRO-foreigners boy! From speaking to foreigner day by day and every day, his English was improved a lot and it leads to his confidence to teach other students when he was in 2nd year at MVU. Therefore, his English become better year to year and he could stand up to assist his lecturers in translating for his classmate as well in year 3 and year 4.

He joined a Future Leader program of International Republican Institute (IRI) which is in 1st promotion. He graduated in 2015.

Sport life

Due to his father was one of men who likes Bokator muscle art and he got a well trained on the Bokator, so Mao Pises also got this spiritual heritage from his father in loving a muscle art and muscle sporting activities. Hence, Mao Pises started a Hap Kido in Phnom Penh at once in 2004. He started to go for gym (weight lifting) in later 2005 and practiced free boxing at gym club by his own until now. He got an ancient sword heritage from his grandfather. That sword is likely to be made in late French colony era.

Personal life

Mao Pises started having feeling to like a wooden stuff especially rosewood in 2012 and 2013. Mao Pises is married with two sons. 1st son is Mao Pitorth born on 04 May 2010 and his 2nd son is Mao Picheatmear born 31 April 2014. He bought his 1st car, a Toyota Corolla series 1993 in February 2006 by a loan from his friend and some from his company, HR INC.

Professional career

Internship and 1st Job

Since graduated from university in Kamchaimear-Prey Veng, Mao Pises left his university to find a placement in Phnom Penh. Luckily, Mao Pises was offered an internship at Strategic Management Solutions (SMS) Limited which is a local consulting firm owned by a team of foreigners who was at one time his lecture at the university. Since SMS was restructured, Mao Pises and two other colleagues (one foreigner and another one Cambodian) found a new human resources and recruitment company which is heritage from SMS. The new company named HR INC (Cambodia) Limited in 2004. Mao Pises visited Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam for the first time in 2005 sponsoring by a brother whom he has known when he did a recruitment job with SMS. During this time, he worked hard and played hard. He always keeps researching on his HRM and wanted to be HR manager one day. He got very good managers (Sandra D’Amico and Trent Eddy) who are professional and always wanted to teach staff and never consider our junior. We worked hard and played hard altogether. Pises start drinking beers from that too.  During this period, Pises start follow news and know what is going on in Cambodia and the world. Such as [4]Cambodia's first commune elections were held in February 2002. These elections to select chiefs and members of 1,621 commune (municipality) councils also were marred by political violence and fell short of being free and fair by international standards. The election results were largely acceptable to the major parties, though procedures for the new local councils have not been fully implemented.

A riot occurred in January 2003 in which the Embassy of Thailand and several Thai businesses were damaged. Following the incident, Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed the RGC's regret to the Thai Government and promised compensation. See Anti-Thai Cambodian riots of 2003. Pises didn’t join this activity but he saw a rally of young people, most of them are at his ages rode motorbike along the street in Phnom Penh to burn down some significant premises which are belongs to Thai people include Embassy building, Hotel, Telephone company etc. He saw them rode pass where he stayed close to his SMS office along Nehru Boulevard (street215) at about 8PM.  On July 27, 2003, elections were held and the Cambodian People's Party of Prime Minister Hun Sen won a majority, but not enough to rule outright. The King has urged the two other parties, Sam Rainsy Party and FUNCINPEC, to accept the incumbent Hun Sen as prime minister. In mid-2004 a coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC and the CPP.

How can he get an internship at SMS?

A big jump to Coca-Cola

As his first dream since at university, he wanted to be Human Resources manager one day and his personality of always wanted to challenge and learn something news, he kept trying to learn and apply for higher positions and he could get a job offer with ANZ Royal when this bank newly entered to Cambodia market in 2004 as HR Consultant. By the way, his boss at HR INC had known that she could stop him from resigning from HR INC, she convinced him to try with her client which is Cola-Cola which asked HR INC to recruit a HR manager. So, Mao Pises was forced himself to compete with other several senior HR professionals who has at least over 5 years of HR management experience. Eventually, Mao Pises got a new job as human resources manager at Cambodia Beverage Company Limited known as Coca-Cola Cambodia in May 2005. Mao Pises visited Porth Elizabeth and Durban of South Africa and Addis Ababa of Ethiopia in 2005. Mao Pises also visited Colombo of Sri Lanka in 2006 and visited Ho Chi Minh and Bankok and Purket of Thailand later on in 2006 to 2007. At that time, Mao Pises was the youngest and single member of country management team (CMT) of Coca-Cola Sabco group consisted of 11 countries in Africa and Asia named emerging markets bottler. He was a youngest and only the single person amongst the CMT of Coca-Cola sabco at that time.

How can he get a job at CBC (Coca-Cola)?

Digital Divide Data

Mao Pises resigned from Coca-Cola Company in late 2006 to rejoined HR INC for a few months prior to getting another job offer with Digital Divide Data (DDD) in 2007 as Interim General Manager for 8 months. Mao Pises visited Vientiane of Lao PDR and Hua Hin of Thailand during his employment with DDD. He finished his contract with DDD by the end of 2007.

2006 – Khmer Tribunal was set up and top leader of Khmer Rouge was arrested from their respective home in northern part of Cambodia. They were brought by state helicopter.

How can he get a job at DDD?

Projects Abroad Director

He got a new job offer with Projects Abroad from October 2008 to February 2014. During his employment with Projects Abroad, he visited the United Kingdom in November 2009. He resigned from Projects Abroad in February 2014. He resigned from Projects Abroad by leaving many legacies for the organization and he was happy to leave over 2.5 K salaries for doing a non-pay job with Federation of Cambodian Intellectuals and Students (FedCIS). While he is working full times for Projects Abroad which is an international organization who has to work closely with ministry of foreign affairs, so he could not expose himself a lot on behalf of FedCIS. However, he could help to do FedCIS’s works behind the scenes since it’s established.

How can he get a job at Projects Abroad?

Social Works and Advocacy Activities

Mao Pises started his social advocacy activities by volunteering working for the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association which it’s founded and led by Rong Chhun, sine he finished his processional job with DDD from beginning of 2008. He found Federation of Cambodian Intellectuals and Students (FedCIS) in July 2008 after national election within the same year July 2008 with a group of his friends with a supporting idea of Rong Chhun. Mao Pises was selected to join Young Leaders program organized by International Republican Institute (IRI) in late 2009. Mao Pises was nominated and become a member of World Youth Movement for Democracy (WYMD) in 2010 and he graduated this program with a certificate in 2015, then Pises was nominated for a Rising Stars program of IRI International within 2015 and attended the programs in Jakarta in 2015 and Prague in 2016.  
[5]Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Cambodian former king Norodom Sihanouk died on 15 October 2012, at the age of 89, in Beijing, People's Republic of China,[1] after suffering health issues. His death was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Nhek Bun Chhay.[2] His body was brought back on 17 October 2012, by King Norodom Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen. State flags flew at half mast[3] and the government announced a 7-day mourning period for the former king. A state funeral was held on 17 October 2012 and Sihanouk's body then reposed in the Royal Palace until 1 February 2013 where it lay in state until 4 February 2013, when it was finally cremated.[4] Sihanouk's royal coffin was adorned with gold and draped with the Royal Standard of the King of Cambodia.

The former king's body was greeted by 90 Buddhist monks who chanted prayers and by tens of thousands citizens waited along the road.[5] Brought into the Royal Palace, his body reposed there until 1 February 2013. Sihanouk's body was removed from the palace on that day, and Cambodians gathered to bid one last farewell to their former leader.[6] His body lay in state for three days and was cremated on 4 February 2013.[4] The obsequies were attended by a number of foreign dignitaries, among whom were French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Filipino Vice President Jejomar C. Binay, China's Jia Qinglin, Prince Akishino of Japan, Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong, Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, and many more.[4][7]

King Norodom Sihamoni presented Sihanouk with the title "Preah Karuna Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot" (literally meaning "The King Who Lies in the Diamond Urn").

Pises did sent a letter of condolence under the name of FedCIS while he is also a country director of Projects Abroad.

July 2013 National Election

During July 2013 national election, Mao Pises under the name of FedCIS actively involved in provoking Cambodian youth and students to vote for change and also did issue many letters for condemn the government of violating its own people for various crackdowns over demonstrations and workers strike especially after July 2013 election during the political deadlocks between the two winning parties CPP and CNRP. During this period, Mao Pises had done his advocacy works behind the sense as he also worked at Projects Abroad at the same times as country director there so it’s kind of high risk for him in holding these two roles at two different originations at the same time. During this period, he also joined various gatherings organized by Rong Chhun.

Since he resigned from Projects Abroad in February 2014, Mao Pises actively involved and clearly showed up in advocacy activities. Mao Pises started teaching on Benchmarking subject at Chea Sim Kamchaimear University in Kampong Cham in Jan/Feb 2014.

Protest against VN Diplomat

8 July 2014 - Mao Pises led a 1st protest asking for Vietnamese embassy diplomat, Mr. Tran Van Thong to apologize in public by recognizing a true history of Kampuchea Krom (current southern Vietnam) land which Mr. Tran Van Thong said on a Radio Free Asia in early June 2014 soon after Khmer Kampuchea Krom celebrated 65th anniversary of this territory lose on 4 June 2014. The true history is that Kampuchea Krom (current South Vietnam) is granted to Vietnam to govern by France in 1949 and before this it's belongs to Cambodia. Following this protest there was a reaction from VN foreign ministry in Hanoi asking Hun Sen's government to take action to prevent any future protest in front of VN embassy in Phnom Penh by accuse of wrongdoing of Mao Pises who is leading such protest and VN government do not apologize. There were many local and international media/radios reported about this protests.

15 July 2014 - There was a violently cracked down of a protest at dragon bridge of Freedom Park in Phnom Penh. It led to 38 unofficial security guards injured (seriously and slightly) and about 8 protestors injured. Then it led to an arrest of 6 members of Parliament of CNRP and an officer and sentenced to prison.

19 July 2014 - Sam Sainry, head of CNRP returned to Phnom Penh and call CPP for a political deadlock resolved in a package.

21 July 2014 - Mao Pises led a 2nd protest which plan to have only 1,000 people but it turns up to more than 1,000 people including monks, students, intellectuals and ordinary Cambodian people join. A few days before this 21st day, there is a tension between Phnom Penh municipalities against to Mao Pises by warning to arrest him up to 15 years imprisoned? However, Mao Pises dare not scare with this warning. There are many local and international media reported on this 21st event. Luckily, there was any violence or crackdown or arrest on that day. The rally was gone very well and very smoothly with cooperation from the local police/authority. The rally for handing over the petitions started from French embassy, UK, USA, EU, Russia, China and Vietnam. French, UK, USA, EU, Russian and Chinese embassies, all accepted our petitions accepted Vietnamese embassy. Then we protested until 5pm of Monday, 21 July 2014. Next morning of 22 July, in one side, the representatives of the protest organizing met for a negotiation with PP municipality and in another side, there were about 400 people including monks still gathering in front of VN embassy until lunch time of Tuesday 22nd we agreed to hand over our petitions to a representative of PP municipality for conveying to foreign ministry to talk to foreign ministry of Vietnam and we gave 2 weeks for response.

22 July 2014 - There was a 5 hours negotiation at senate palace in Phnom Penh between leaders of CPP led by Hun Sen (Sar Kheng, Say Chhum) and CNRP led by Sam Saingsy (Kem Sokha, Pol Hom). It led to a political agreement signed and broadcasted by both parties leaders/spokesman. The agreement contains 7 clauses agreed. After that meeting, Hun Sen said it's successful and Sam Raingsy said it's no choice; it's the best option for resolve the political tension. Following this top leaders' negotiation, the imprisoned 6 members of Parliament of CNRP and an officer were released from Prey Sar prison in the afternoon of the same day.

October 2014 – Pises jointly led a protest agonists Controversial resettlement of refugees

[6]Australia is paying Cambodia money to resettle in Cambodia, some asylum seekers who arrived by boat on Australian shores. Australia is expected to give Cambodia tens of millions of dollars for accepting the refugees who will be expected to assimilate into a society where '40 per cent of people live in poverty'. They will have no rights to be transferred to another country. That action has been met with widespread condemnation by human rights groups. Cambodia, a resource sparse country with a large number of poor people is thought to be unfit for use as a resettlement area because of its poverty and human rights abuses, also because the people being resettled are unable to do some of the most basic things like opening bank accounts. Rights groups accuse Cambodia of playing politics in the past with refugees and using them as bargaining chips in bilateral relations, pointing to the deportation of 20 ethnic Uighur asylum seekers to China in 2009. Beijing announced a $1 billion aid package for Phnom Penh two days later.[19]

Tbong Khmorm Border Visit

17 May 2015 - Mao Pises led a group of 150 youth to visit Chhoeung village and Boeng Chhraung village of Chaorm commune, Memot district, Tbong Khmom province for a fact finding due to Vietnamese people and soldiers sprayed chemical poison destroyed crops of Cambodian farmer on 19th April 2015 (while Cambodian people were busy with Khmer New Year). They came in at night time.

Swearing against Prime Minister Hun Sen

9 June 2015 - Mao Pises sent a letter requesting Prime Minister Hun Sen to take an oath in response to Hun Sen's speech in the National Assembly meeting in the morning of 08 June 2015 calling for opposition lawmakers to swear if CCP stole the ballot etc. Following this request letter, there are a few youth groups aligned CPP reacted on behalf of Hun Sen. He became quite famous this braveness.

Chea Sim Death on 8 June 2015

Following his morning meeting with his Cambodian Watchdog Councile taskforce, actually, Mao Pises plan to march for submission petitions to PM office, National Assembly, Opposition leader and the king cabinet for intervention on Tbong Khmom people issues and attached with his written report on 14th June, Mr. Chea Sim, president of senate and president of Cambodian People Party passed away in the afternoon. And in the morning of 8th, PM Hun Sen cited about taking an oath with Mr. Sam Rainsy, opposition leader when he made his speech at National Assembly meeting. A few days later, Pises decided not cancel the rally and decided to submit the petitions and report by quiet means instead.

